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December Newsletter

Welcome to Jellystonepark.ie final news letter for 2012. WOW. We will update you monthly with our newsletter, so please feel free to offer any comments or suggestions!!

Wobbler & Toddler children, we would ask parents to try and walk their children into the crèche in the mornings to highlight their independence at this stage of their development. Also all soothers and bottles are to be left outside in childs bag, no children are to enter the rooms with them. If parents could try refrain from giving their children a soother or bottle on the way into crèche, it will make it less of a trauma for the children say goodbye to Mom/Dad and soother at the same time!. Hopefully you will find this helpful and will witness it for yourself over the coming days if you follow these few tips.

Could all parents and guardians please sign in children every time they are collecting or dropping the children into our childcare. This is a requirement by the HSE, and the weekly sign in sheet is under the release catch for the door.

Shssshhhh. HO HO HO. Guess who is coming to Jellystone Park on the 21st of December at 3pm. SANTA will be here. We will also be holding our chrismas party on that date, so parents mark your diary.! Please look on out notice board for more details nearer the time.

Jellystone will be closed for Xmas holidays from 6pm on Friday 21st December to 8am 2nd January inclusive. If your child is on the ECCE scheme the mid term break is from 12pm on Friday 21st December to 9pm 7th January.

Unfortunately management were unable to attend the Parenting Plus course that we had advertised on our notice board. However one of the parents is going and agreed to give us a copy of the notes, the feedback from the course it that it really is worth while. These notes will be made available to all parents and left in a folder in the hall. So a big thank you to Siobhan.

Great news. Stop the press. Jellystone Park now have a website. Yipppeeee. Please log on to www.jellystonepark.ie and let us know your thoughts. And if you like the look of our web page or are looking to update or introduce a webpage of your own, one of our parents designed it and we would be only too happy to pass on the details, talk to June or Rachel.

Also all the child observations and developmental reports will be finalised for each child in Jellystone. Rachel will review each of them individually and will talk to you if she has any observations or concerns relating to your child. But please feel free if in the meantime you would like to talk to your childs teacher or Rachel, please do.

Parent participation, we didn’t ask but……….

If you would like to come and share something with us that you and the children would enjoy we’d love to hear from you, so please talk to Rachel. We are being deliberately vague on the but…. bit as we don’t want to limit your suggestions.

Many thanks, from Rachel and all the staff @ Jellystone park!!!


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